Toukley Music
Since 2008
0414487386 - Piano Guitar Voice Bass Brass Drum Violin Cello - Piano Tuning, Special Ed, Attention Deficit, Behavioural - Suzuki Method, Beginner-Advanced- international grades, concerts, infant special education, NDIS, premiere site and services.
08:00 - 2200 7 days a week
24 Gorokan Dr Lake Haven
We are conveniently located close to Lake Haven CBD, Just 100 metres from KFC and Gorokan High. Many of our students come by bus and are collected by their carers. Ample parking and big open windows allow observation of three purposely appointed suites for teaching and of which are well lit and run all lessons. TML offers both day and evening lessons.
Contact us 0414487386
We are Hiring
Contact TML to find our more about joining our team of dedicated teachers !
We train all teachers to use our systems, musicians, music producers - if you are interested we have opportunities for you
Learn Any Instrument
With very competitive pricing for all learners, we offer programs for beginners to advanced in Piano, Drum, Bass, Guitar, Voice, Ukulele, String, Brass and Reed
We have several years of experience in mainstream and Special Needs Education
We achieve higher levels than School Settings and top grades in AMEB for those wanting international, conservatory-recognised accreditation.
Our teaching methods include Orff, Kodaly, AMEB and Suzuki all to international standards blended with the most contemporary technologies.
Contact us 0414487386
Music Studio Concerts
Our concert program is for everyone and families can also get involved. Our concerts are held in local venues and facilitate all levels and abilities. Our family-friendly concert. Serve to assist people with self-esteem engagement and motivation to practice. Using local Council Facilities, our concerts are engaging and offer opportunities to shine.
Yes, Dad, you can get on stage too!
Find out more Contact us 0414487386
TML Child Safe - Children's Guardian Certified
All Staff are fully Screened and Current for Working With Children via the Children's Guardian
in an Open Window environment with constant monitoring and observation.
Excellence in Communication & Contact
TML is organised to embrace and research or develop an in-house contact and student management system. All can be kept informed and up to date with student progress and methods via our branded approach feedback document, payment method and forms.
Students are offered rewards for achievements, extended and engaged in meaningful ways with others who also play along.
This separates us from software and isolated methods and far exceeds the outcomes offered when not playing and sharing with others.
What We Teach
Raymond Mizzi Bachelor of Music Education + Special Ed.
(1995 NSW & Newcastle - Distinction)
Teacher - Composer, Songwriter, Multi-instrumentalist, performer
Since 2008
A qualified and experienced Music Teacher with Specialist Educational Support for all Ages and Learner types, including NDIS.
Onsite are different staff all with Child protection Clearance and experience to focus on students old and young
We use the most celebrated books and methods anywhere and are effective with all learners.
Success for Special Ed and support for Learners + Full professional reporting.
NDIS and Government funding are available as well as regular involvement with agencies and providers, therapists and paediatricians.
Music is also in therapy for anxiety, depression, Alzheimer's, Cognitive development, personal loss and life changes.
Music in composition and songwriting.
Music Software and recording via computer -
School music and educational support with theory and all studies
Music grades with AMEB and Australian Syllabus
Music for Pleasure, jamming and just having fun.
Contact us 0414487386 for more information.